Where are you focussed? - WWA

Where are you focussed?

Where are you focussed?

These are uncertain times. If you watch the news, the messages are an onslaught of doom and gloom. “But they are reporting facts” you might say, and yes I was thinking this the other day too, and yet I also know that this is powerlessness. When we come from a place of helplessness or powerlessness that I cannot help people or help myself from that place. It simply doesn't work.

So what is it we can do? How can we lift ourselves up out of the constant negativity or worry that could be slower than normal business or people affected by disaster or challenges? Firstly, we must notice what we are thinking and what we are telling ourselves and what we are telling each other. Are you talking about the problems and the issues everyday to anyone who will listen? Is this problem being kept burning bright and alive by the attention that we give it? I have most certainly done that.

But here is my truth. I have stopped or slowed that behaviour. Focussing on and talking constantly about what is wrong, how’s its bad, all that isn’t working, is keeping the issue alive and present. Focussing on what I can do, what I can alter or what might be next is a way to reduce the fuel load to the fire that is my problem.

Im not meaning to sound preachy. I have struggled with this in my life so much. Over Christmas though I have been making some really strong shifts. I have adjusted my language and have had a go at some different practices and it is slowly working…. Heres what I have been doing:

When I feel a feeling of worry or overwhelm or fear wash over me, I move my body. I use this as a trigger to imagine how I feel when everything is good and sorted and how I want my business or life to be. I dive deep into the feeling of feeling good. I consciously work on it

I have a mantra: Everything is always working out for me. Find a mantra that will work for you. I truly believe this now. I have so much evidence in my life to support this.

When Im thinking about people, or behaviour or Im annoyed I try the 10 quick things:

10 things you love about this person
10 things you love about your life
10 things you love about being in business or being a parent or a partner or a friend

10 things you love right now

Feel free to try this. It won’t immediately fix your problems or your pain or your troubles, but I promise it will make you feel instantly better, stronger and calmer, and then you may find yourself   in a receptive mode to hear the whispers of intuition or solutions that will come. 

Until next time!

Big Hugs,
Andy xxx

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