Pause and give yourself permission - WWA

Pause and give yourself permission

I think when we feel overwhelmed in our businesses or by a situation (which happens to me often,) there tends to be a ‘pile on’ that somehow the more overloaded we are, the more stuff comes along. Does this happen with you? The more the stuff, the more the confusion or overwhelm appears to expand. Before we know it we’re sucked down into a vortex, and then become unproductive, immobilised, and we can worry about things that are out of our control.
One of the first things, when this happens to, is to stop or the word I am growing to love is a pause. A pause feels more fluid and that you’ll be back. So we pause and then what? There is reflection, taking time out, a walk or meditation perhaps. There is writing a list, working out what is within your control and letting go of what is not in your control. It is about an action plan and tackling one thing at a time blah blah blah; you probably know the drill.

However what underpins these suggestions or actions? What comes after the pause but before each step? I had an aha moment this week when I woke up to the fact that I was missing this step. You see permission is key, and I forgot to give it to myself. I got caught up in the tasks and the busy and the moving forward and then when I went down, which I have done here on this blog with you many times before, I was judging myself, or I got bogged down in comparison.

For me the key to the lock is permission. Giving myself permission to take a break. Giving myself permission to pause or change direction. Permission to recharge, re-order, re-negotiate, permission to have a break – whatever you need to do, make room within you to allow. It can apply to everything in your business, your life, your situation.

When I give myself permission, I’m taking charge again. I’m playing above the line, and I am not turning my power outward but directing it inward.

Pause and Permission. They go together so well like bacon and eggs, ham and cheese ????

Until next week, hugs and laughter
Andy xx

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