Is your Tunnel Vision potentially harming your business growth? - WWA

Is your Tunnel Vision potentially harming your business growth?

Is your Tunnel Vision potentially harming your business growth?

You’re focussed, you know what you want and you have your head down and your tail up, making your goal a reality. Sound familiar? I used to be like this, until I realised that sometimes, I was cutting off supply to valuable information, connections and opportunities. My tunnel vision or opportunity blindness lead to decisions that were based on fear and women share with me they are often making decisions from their fear rather than their purpose, self care or intention.

The other day someone was telling me about who their market is and what they are wanting to achieve, which was great, but then she said to me, “ Your network doesn’t hold the demographic that I’m looking for”. Fair enough, we are not for everyone, but then in this instance as she elaborated, it was actually, glaringly incorrect. This person has attended very few events. An assumption has been made that the people who attended are not the size of business she is after. It’s a huge reach and a lost opportunity. We simply don’t know who we might meet and who someone else knows. That's the deliciousness of connections and networking. In our case, in our network we have a cross section of women who are solo, started recently or are years into their business with teams of people. It's all relevant and there is value there if you open to it and flick your light on.

Let me give you a scenario; You could be chatting with someone who has a gazillion connections from her previous industry that she has just left to start her own business and she’s three weeks into her startup. Let's say you’re not interested in startups and want to work with SME’s, you immediately tune out, move on or decide that this person is not your market so you stop pursuing relationship or chatting further, but guess what? What you don’t know is that this person has worked for a big SME with loads of connections in the area that you want to pursue, but you have missed out on this because your tunnel vision of what you’re looking for gets in the way. If we are desperately looking for a client or fearful of not being able to find customers then the fear will feed your tunnel vision and keep you locked out to other possibilities.

Try these affirmations:

“I am always in the right place and the right time”

Or “Opportunities open to me wherever I go”

Or “I prosper wherever I go”

Affirmations can move our mindset and shift our energy. An open heart and taking off our blinkers will go a long way to lighting up the path of opportunity and possibilities when it comes to doing business and making connections in the world.


Until next time - Love and Hugs,


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