Do you know your Unique Selling Proposition? - WWA

Do you know your Unique Selling Proposition?

In some recent marketing workshops I have been running, I have noticed the tousle we small business owners have with communicating our USP, our unique selling proposition, also known as our value proposition. Lets explore what this is and isn’t when it comes to creating your marketing messages and collateral.

What it is:

These are the clear statements that:
• Communicates with your customer on why they should buy from you and not your competitor.
• The benefits that customers will receive, not the features of your product or service ( this is often confused in marketing messages)
• Explains the solutions  your product or service solve to your customers problems or situations, and is written in the language of the customer

What your usp is not:
• Your tag line. ‘Loreal’s ‘because you’re worth it’ is not a unique value prop
• Your mission statement
• Your brand story – Let me clarify here. The qualities in your brand story certainly influence your usp messages, but the story itself is a supporting story and communicates your values and ideals behind your brand.

Tips for finding your USP.
Everyone is unique. Your business has something special that sets you apart from your competitors. (Its sometimes connected to why you went into business in the first place), and you just have to uncover what that is. This is where the challenge often lay. If you were the inventor of your product or service then clearly this would be advantageous, but if you’re in a highly competitive industry, how can you find what sets you apart from companies have the same product or service? here are my tips for helping you find yours:

• Take time with this process. Discuss and reflect. Talk to exiting or potential customers, Talk through your networks and peers and ask for feedback, you will always be surprised by the answer.
• Your offer should be something that customers care about.
• You only have to be unique in your customers mind, not the whole world
• Keep it simple, in language that speaks to customers, not industry jargon
• Aim for 3-4 so you can play with your marketing and testing and measuring.
• What problem do you solve for people?
• How do you approach your products or services differently from everyone else.
• If you have trouble expressing it in words, engage a copywriting expert to help you express it.

Do not underestimate the power of Consumers/Customers in finding your USP, also consider the top benefits that motivate consumers when choosing to buy:
• Best bang for buck – not everyone follows this rule, but many are driven by price, don’t bother with this usp if you are not price driven in your product or service
• Popularity/Tribe/Must Haves – What people cant lie with out,  or do their life without.
• Best Quality – People want quality and having the best quality is great, however not everything is associated with luxury. I you’re not a luxury brand, you can still position yourself and your company with quality standards and practices that set you apart

in the words of Dr Zuess:
Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!
Marketing is a massive subject, of which there is much to discuss, so I hope this helps you just a little around finding your USP.

Andy x

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