When I started a business twenty-two years ago, I was in a constant state of overwhelm. When I found communities, often they weren’t very welcoming or had strict criteria, and I didn’t feel I could be myself.

So, as women often do, I created one! Women with Altitude is a community that is inclusive and friendly. When we take the time to lift each other up what we give is wildly outweighed by what we receive in return, support, friendship, opportunity, and connection.

There is so much on offer inside our community and we invite you to come and join us.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Andrea Turner-Boys

Founder, WWA

How We Help

How We Help


Localised Networking Events

Online Networking Events

Volunteer Program

Leadership Program

Speaking Opportunities

Member-to -Member Advertising

Brave Magazine

Wellbeing Walks


Professional Development

Leadership Skills

Personal Development

Confidence Building

Speaking Skills

Small Business Skills

Marketing Skills

People Skills


Mentoring for Business

Collaborate Circles

Mentoring Managers

Wellbeing Walks

Speaking Skills

Mindset Coaching

Peer Coaching

Accountability Mentoring

Social enterprise making a difference

Women with Altitude is a membership-based community. A social enterprise model means that your membership and event fees help us to keep our prices affordable for all, helping people at all levels of business and those starting up.

It enables us to offer membership and mentoring to women survivors who are re-establishing their lives and memberships + free events for charities and not for profit orgnisations to benefit from our programs.

Our Chapters

We support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and are doing our part:

Member Directory


Russell Ave., Faulconbridge, NSW,
Australia 2776


© Copyright 2023 Women with Altitude