A State of Flow - WWA

A State of Flow

A State of Flow

For some time now I have been learning about energy. Our electromagnetic field, the unseen and woo woo parts of us humans. This part of us that extends out into the world that influences our environment or reality. I have been focussed on the area of intuition, intention, creativity and manifesting your life.

I have always been intuitive, all of us are, but I was ignoring my promptings or the little voice inside. I was constantly reminded of this after the fact. You know when something happens and then you get a particular outcome that you may not have wanted and you recall that you’re little voice either tried to warn you or was urging you to make another choice?
In this past year my goal has been to focus in on gratitude. To put my intention with Women with Altitude out in front, and then to get out of the way. What does that mean? For me, that means to stop over thinking, to make decisions and take actions that are based on intuition. It means to stop pushing outward or trying to control outcomes. It means taking care of myself, listening to my body, being more quiet or present and moving from a place of love rather than resistance.
It's being in Flow.
Now I’m not always in flow, and all of what I have said above is ideal, but it hasn’t always been my reality. In my exploration of this I have faltered many times, given in to emotion and fear and dark thoughts. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing. 
What Im happily recognising now is when I am in flow. You will know Flow when you see her. Everything unfolds perfectly, you feel great and you don’t feel stressed. Outcomes reflect back to you what you intended and instead of trying to control, you allow. Flow is about being with what shows and up and being open to learning. Flow is not complex, flow light, flow is fun, flow is love.
Last night, I was standing in a room full of women and men there, to celebrate the opening of the Womens Economic Forum, a soul sisterhood of women founded by Dr Harbeen Arora. A conference of information, speakers, and connection for the purpose of womens empowerment. I knew I wasn meant to be there I was relaxed and excited for what the weekend will bring. 

I was standing at the back of the room, and I saw a woman walking across the floor about 5 metres from where I was standing. I felt an immediate urge to go and talk to her and with out thinking ( flow) I went straight up to her.  She has blue hair, so I said hello and complimented her on her fantastic funky hair and outfit. We connected and laughed and started chatting. Moments later I discovered her name was Joan. Out of 300 women whom I have never met, Joan was the woman who I was presenting on stage with in two days time to talk about creativity and innovation!

The day before I had said to myself (or my intuition said to me) It would be good to meet or look up the other woman Im speaking with on Sunday….. and then I let it go, I didn’t do anything and I was led straight to her. It's a small moment, they happen to everyone all the time but for me, it was an example.
Being in flow,
Until next time - biggest hugs to you!
A xx

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